AGM Meeting outcome, News (Renfrew Minor Hockey)

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May 14, 2024 | Devin Berard | 2065 views
AGM Meeting outcome
Tonight's AGM is complete and was a success. There was some movement in Executive positions and many are the same. 

They are as follows:
President: Kyle Schroder
Vice President: Jamie Prince
Secretary: Krystal Sadler
Registrar: Kasia Maves
Fundraising: Tina Hunt
Equipment Manager: Patrick Leclerc
Sr Convenor: Christie Freemark
Int Convenor: Jordan MacMillan
Webmaster: Devin Berard
Treasurer: Jennifer Daniels

Jr Convenor: this position was not filled at the AGM if you are interested in this position Please Email [email protected] and provide your Name and contact information to have your name in for consideration. this position will be appointed by the current executive.