Attention all Renfrew Collegiate Institution and St. Joseph’s Catholic High School Students.
Last year RMHA introduced the Bill Ringrose Bursary to all graduates that have played hockey with RMHA. Applications are due May 20 for consideration. Please check in with your school guidance counselors for additional information. Applications are emailed to [email protected]
Follow this link for the application form:
Bill Ringrose Memorial Bursary
▪ All persons registered in RMHA at any time in their hockey career and in good standings at
Renfrew Collegiate Institution and/or St. Joseph’s Catholic High School are eligible
▪ You must be graduating from high school in 2023
▪ You must be pursuing a career requiring further education or training (e.g. university, college,
trade school etc.)
Complete this application form with two (2) hockey related references and forward it with the
required attachments to the secretary of RMHA via email at [email protected]
All applications must be received by RMHA no later than 11:59 PM on May 31st, 2023. Late or
incomplete applications (a missing attachment will be considered as an incomplete application)
will not be considered.
The successful applicants will be announced at graduation at both Renfrew Collegiate Institute
and St. Joseph’s Catholic High School on their respectful graduation nights. The decision will be
made by the RMHA executive (executive members that have a child in a graduation class will
not have a vote on the winners of the awards). The recipient’s name and photo will be posted on
the RMHA website and social media.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected]