Registration is open for the 2024-2025 season, News (Renfrew Minor Hockey)

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Jun 17, 2024 | Devin Berard | 445 views
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 season
Registration is open for the 2024-2025 season. Registration InformationRegistration opens today June 17th, 2024, for the 2024-25 seasonPlayers that have outstanding fees from last season will not be allowed to register until their account is in good standing.We will be returning to 3 installments for those families who wish to not pay in one lump sum

The installment schedule will be as follows:
50% of registration fee plus full payment of any extras (evaluation jersey, fundraising fee, etc as applicable) due on date of registration.
25% of registration due September 20st
25% of registration due October 20th
For those wishing to pay in installments, you may pay with either post dated checks or a credit card on file
For those wishing to pay in full you will be able to pay with check, Etransfer or credit card
There will be no installments available for those wishing to pay with Etransfer.
Need help covering your players registration fees?
Please visit the RMHA website for links to Jumpstart, Hockey Canada Foundation, or KidsSport Renfrew County. Please note that KidsSport Renfrew County can also assist with equipment.
Evaluation jerseys
Evaluation jerseys are mandatory for U9 and up. They are not required for U7
If you have an evaluation jersey from last year and it still fits, you are not required to purchase a new evaluation jersey for this season. You will need to provide the colour and number of your players evaluation jersey upon registration. Your player will need to wear this evaluation jersey for the first conditioning and evaluation skates of the season. After this time and they can be used as a practice jersey. Evaluation jerseys are sold at cost for $25 each
Fundraising fee
The fundraising fee has increased to $100 per player for the season. If you do not want to pay the fundraising fee, it is mandatory that your player participates in two fundraising endeavors through RMHA. You must either pay the fundraising fee or participate in two fundraising endeavors.